Weather Decree

Weather Declaration/2024


*You have given me authority and keys to all kingdoms.

*You have given me the power and authority to restore God's original design and wholeness to the earth.


*I speak to the atmosphere over Kansas and the region. I say, peace be still.

*I have authority over all atmospheres. I establish the correct wind of God to rule and reign over this region.

*I command all frequencies, jet streams, dry lines, temperature, wind, moisture and pressure to stay within God's boundaries for creation.

*I declare creation and the atmospheric elements of wind, pressure, moisture and temperature will not align with destruction.

*I say creation and atmospheric elements align with God's boundaries.

*I say no tornado nor strong damaging wind touches the ground in Kansas and the region.

*I dismantle the destructive ingredients in this storm system and render them void.

*I say the weather patterns are aligned with God's original design for weather.

*I speak to the jet stream and fronts that bring change and say, you are aligned with blessing.

*I render ineffective the destructive forces of nature that have operated unchecked.
*I take authority over weather manipulation and control by the occult and dismantle the assignment.
*I decree that weather patterns submit to God's order, sequence and seasons.
*I disrupt weather patterns that lead to intense storms or drought.
*I call my spirit to attention to bless everything God has made.
*I prophesy truth and blessing to all weather patterns.
*I say weather is a blessing to Kansas and the region.
*I say the weather patterns are aligned with God's original design for weather.
*I bless the atmospheric movements in the heavens which reflect God.
*I bless the weather over Kansas and the region and say it fulfills its purpose of watering, refreshing and nurturing the earth.
*I bless God who created the weather systems and called them good.
*I bless and govern the atmosphere with my voice.
The atmosphere is now filled with words that release blessing on the land and on the people.