Hebrew Month Of Iyar May 9 - June 6. 2024

When my nephew was little he wanted a transformer. I went to the Walmart toy department but did not realize the transformer was a truck and had to be “transformed” into a power ranger by a bunch of moves and turns and twists…that only a 7 year old knows how to do. In the floor of the toy department that day I was rescued by a little boy that knew I was in trouble. I came to realize it looked like a truck but it was not!
Hebrew Month Of Iyar May 9 - June 6. 2024
This month is associated with the tribe of Issachar which is known for its anointing to understand the times and discern secrets.
If a time comes that seems dark or undiscerning, rise up and declare you are increasing in revelation.
In this day we are presently living in, we must move in revelation, not just what we can naturally work out.
REVELATION - the making known of something that was previously secret or unknown.
REVELATION - is not information. It is revealed, divine truth that goes beyond what we think we know. At times it does not make sense.
During the month of Iyar God gave the revelation of three of His covenant names:
Jehovah Rapha - The Lord who heals you.
Jehovah Jaira - The Lord who sees and provides.
Jehovah Nissi - The Lord my banner of victory.
This does not make sense because I’m very sick, but I call on Jehovah Rapha - my healer.
This does not make sense because I don’t have enough money, but I call on Jehovah Jaira - who provides.
This does not make sense because I’m losing on every front, but I call on Jehovah Nissi - my banner of victory.
Pretty much in all of those examples “I may look like a truck…but I’m not.”
There’s a power ranger in me called revelation. With that revelation we will transition to the covenant secret that Issachar carried - It’s Too Late To Lose!
A major characteristic of this timeframe is penned in the song, “It’s too late to lose.” Check out a few of the words to that song. “One thing is for sure. The cross still stands. The blood still speaks. The grave’s still empty. Jesus I believe, You’ve already overcome. You’ve already won it all. The victory belongs to You. It’s too late to lose.”
The promises that you’ve watched over so faithfully are going to be blown on by the Holy Spirit.
It’s Too Late To Lose!
I am healed; I am prosperous; I am victorious.
Jehovah Rapha, Jaira, Nissi. The revelation and relationship we develop with those attributes of God will assure our transition into new authority and who determines the rule.
I may look like a truck…but I’m not!!
It’s just too late to lose!!
DeeAnn and I want to say this to all of you. As we move through the transition month of Iyar. As we cross the bridge between Passover and Pentecost, we are gaining access to restoration, recovery and empowerment. Chuck Pierce said this to us when he was here in Ark City - “there is a door of hope for America dwelling over Kansas for our future in this nation.” It may look like there is no hope, but the divine, revealed truth is here - it’s too late to lose - I may look like a truck but I’m not! We are writing to Power Rangers in the spirit! Too Late!! Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward **We are continuing to work through plans for the new auditorium. The options are below if you would like to sow into this kingdom project.
Too Late!!
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
**We are continuing to work through plans for the new auditorium. The options are below if you would like to sow into this kingdom project.
2 Ways to Give
1. Mail: Destiny Ministries, PO Box 1081, Arkansas City, KS 67005
2. Online: www.DestinyMinistries.com/donate