The Hebrew Month of Kislev 2020

When I was growing up my mom had a favorite song called "The Lighthouse." Here's the first verse:
There's a lighthouse on the hillside that overlooks life's sea.
When I'm tossed, it sends out a light that I might see.
And the light that shines in darkness now will safely lead me o'er.
If it wasn't for the Lighthouse, my ship would be no more.
Kislev is the month of light. Miraculous Light - no physical explanation; the presence of God and angels; the great cloud of witnesses; revelation; information; words.
After reading about Peter's breakout from prison in Acts 12, we know the Lord does miracles to deliver us into destiny.
He is doing things around us to orchestrate circumstances to facilitate kingdom purpose.
Let me prove that point. Peter is in prison, scheduled to be killed the next day. He is sound asleep, chained to soldiers and other guards are everywhere. Suddenly a bright light shines, an angel slaps him on the side, gets him up and tells him to put his clothes on. The chains fell off and he follows the angel out of the prison, past all the guards, the gates open all by themselves. Peter and the angel end up somewhere in town and the angel leaves. In this account we have the characteristics of light...light shines, there's no natural explanation; an angel shows up in the prison; he comes with revelation and information; and that came through words.
Here's the power of words - Genesis 1
In the dark, God said, let there be light and there was light. Apparently God is okay in the dark because He has a plan called "light." He easily moves in the dark because He focuses on what He wants to create and then He speaks it. That is the message of Kislev - speak words of light. And actually, this isn't just for this month - it's for this lifetime in the earth realm!
Back to Peter and my mom's lighthouse song. The Bible says the church was praying, without ceasing, for Peter. They were sending out a light that Peter's ship could see. Get it!!
Here's the power of the praying church - Acts 12
The church became a lighthouse for Peter.
Here's the power of one - Peter's amazing journey
Peter became a lighthouse as a prominent disciple of Jesus. He became a lighthouse as a leader and spokesman for a fledgling Christian church. He became a lighthouse for a religious revolution.
Here's your power -
You are a lighthouse. You 'house' the light of Jesus.
Light Declarations:
• The Father and I are one Spirit.
• I am delivered from the power of darkness.
• Arise shine for light has come.
• I am someone's lighthouse.
Your light is shining and lighting our way through prayer, through your giving, through your thoughtful notes and through your testimonies. We love it, appreciate you and thank you deeply.
This BIG light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
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