The Hebrew Month of Shevat 2022

Almost every month of the Gregorian calendar has dates of importance - birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, appointments of all kinds. The same is true for the Hebrew calendar. Each month we are presented with an opportunity to develop a mindset of increase, health, triumph and joy.
Each month we learn how and where to release our faith for all that is good in life. Or in other words, a switch gets flipped...the light comes aha moment occurs. When the "switch gets flipped" we begin to think like God, we prosper, we walk in favor, we move from blessing to blessing, all things are possible, we see clearly.
SHEVAT: One of the key points of this month is "I've been here long enough, it's time to possess my promise." That sounds easy enough but we'll need to flip the switch to see how to move forward.
When we walk into a room and flip the light switch on, immediately what we could not see comes into view. We don't trip over stuff, we find stuff and we see a path through the stuff.
Israel had been wondering around in the wilderness for 40 years and then on the first day of Shevat, Moses flips the switch.
Biblical History of Shevat:
"And it came to pass in the 40th year, on the first day of the 11th month (Shevat) that Moses spake unto the children of Israel..."
"You have dwelt here long enough..."
"Turn and take your journey..."
"Behold, I have set the land before you, go in and possess the land which the Lord promised to your fathers and their seed after them."
"May the Lord increase you 1000-fold more than you are and bless you just as He has promised..."
They had been in this for 40 years, so what was different on this particular day? Wow. What a difference a day can make. Moses got up that first day of Shevat and something flipped in him. His attention got diverted from wilderness to promise in a moment - like overnight.
When we flip the switch, there is sudden change. We struggle with learning a concept, then suddenly we get it - a switch gets flipped! The change is dramatic, reversal occurs and darkness gives way to clear perspective. Now Israel had to walk all that out - literally - but something happened that first day of Shevat! That timeframe of "nothing but wilderness, nothing but disappointment, nothing but struggle" - got switched to "nothing but promises!"
DeeAnn and I make that declaration over you - Nothing But Promises! If a switch needs to flip in you or in your circumstances in order for your faith to be activated, then let it be. Take the theme of Shevat and be empowered to flip the switch and experience sudden change!
Thank you for your support. Your encouraging notes, agreement, offerings and intercession are foundational to what we are walking out.
Nothing But Promises!
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
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