Head Of The Year 5783 Hebrew Month Of Tishrei - Happy New Year!
Head Of The Year 5783
Hebrew Month Of Tishrei
Happy New Year!
Many have announced that we are in a new era, a new period of history. Here's what that means in a very simple way---old things are passed away and ALL things are new.
It's kind of hard to get there when the same old stuff keeps happening. To that we continually say - all things are new!
We can break a cycle of defeat, dread, lack, sickness, etc. We break it through what defines this season - FAITH. There is an assignment on this new year, this new era, this new period of history. Our faith must be active. Faith is our part, power is God's part.
The activation of our faith begins with this:
• I believe Your word.
• I trust Your timing.
• I cannot make something happen - I've done that and it's exhausting...
• I am placing the word of the Lord in the "queue."
• Queue is a sequence of words, held in storage waiting for their turn.
• Queue is a waiting line of prophetic words.
• God sees the queue and puts fulfillment on His calendar.
He says things like:
• I will hasten to perform My word - it's in the queue.
• My word will not come back void - it's in the queue.
• My word will prosper in it's purpose - it's in the queue.
So check it out. We asked the Lord what to focus on right now and heard NOTHING.
A little shocked until we found out that God has a lot to say about NOTHING.
*Nothing is too difficult for God.
*Nothing is impossible for God.
*Nothing shall by in any means harm me.
*Nothing can separate us from God's love.
Through His word we can expect NOTHING but His goodness. Let's put NOTHING in the queue!
In the Hebrew alphabet each letter has a number and a symbol or word picture that carries meaning. 5783 is the number of the Hebrew year. Those numbers are how they count time and describe the season.
5700 - may it be the year of.
80 - Pey - which means voice, words, decrees, mouth.
3 - Gimal - which pictures a camel; abundance; supply of heaven; benefits.
May it be the year of our voice announcing abundance, supply and daily benefits.
In ancient times the camel carried supplies wherever they were needed. The phrase 'the camels are coming' is appropriate for this new year.
They are packing the benefits of divine recovery in our areas of need.
We are focused on Psalm 68:19 and have put it in the queue.
"Blessed be the Lord Who daily loads us with benefits."
**Benefits: do good; reward; to serve; burden-bearer (don't have to carry it anymore) in fact the Lord is our benefactor who yields benefits daily!
DeeAnn and I receive benefits from your giving, your intercession, your friendship, your encouragement. Our prayer is that you are daily loaded with benefits. No doubt your faithfulness has packed those camels and they are headed your way. Can't wait to hear testimony of your benefits.
Good Measure, Pressed Down, Shaken Together And Running Over...
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
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