THE HEBREW MONTHS 2025: SHEVAT January 30-February 28 ADAR March 1-March 29

It seems we have been in a holding pattern for about 4 years ...waiting on:
*the next broadcast
*the next email
*the next prophecy
*the next president
*the next anything with hope...
The future is alive, it has breath, it is active. The future is not stagnant. It has a voice. Our future is here and now we move. We are in the "now" of faith. Think about Jesus living in His future. The Bible says He was slain before the foundations of the earth. Then He came and lived out what already happened. Profound!
A definition of future from the Webster's dictionary: FROM NOW ON.
Jeremiah says, Lord, You knew me before I was formed in my mother's womb. The Apostle Paul says, Lord, You gave me purpose before the foundations of the earth. Our future in the earth realm was secured in the heavenly realm--before. My future in the earth realm is secured because it started before I knew it started!
The revelation that our future has arrived, that we are in it from now on is very "Shevat." The Hebrew month of Shevat.
On the 1st day of Shevat, Moses spoke to the children of Israel and said, "you have been here long enough, turn and take your journey. The land is before you, go in and possess your promised land."
Shevat is about doing what we do by faith. “From now on" is about doing what we do by faith. My faith calls those things that be not, as though they are.
Declarations: From Now On!
• My faith is what I stand on.
• My faith is evidence of hope.
• My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
• I am not moved by circumstances. I am awake. I am a force. I am not controlled. I am not afraid. I am not giving up. The prophetic season we are in is about penetrating darkness, having clear perspective and staying in the “now” of faith.
The Hebrew month of Adar.
Adar is more than a month – it represents an opportunity to change the status quo. Status quo – the way things are. If “the way things are” is not in alignment with fullness, abundance and big time JOY, then it’s time to disrupt the status quo! We need strategy that stuns unbelief. We’ve got to challenge whatever feeds unbelief. The Adar timeframe carries an anointing and a supernatural grace for breaking out of a cycle of defeat and discouragement.
The characteristics of this month and the over-all theme is HAPPY. HAPPY – joyful; favored; satisfied; confident. HAPPY is a sure thing. HAPPY is not an emotion based on circumstances.
I Timothy 1:11 – “according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God…” Blessed is from a Greek word meaning blessed or happy. Get it!! God is a happy God, in spite of Lucifer’s assault on heaven; in spite of Adam’s fall; in spite of Abraham’s choices; in spite of David’s sin, in spite of Peter’s mouth...God stayed happy because He is a happy God.
As He is, so are we in this world. Happy God. Happy Me.
DeeAnn and I are HAPPY to call you our friends, partners, intercessors and encouragers.
O Happy Day!!
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
**Please consider sowing into our building project. Many of you have given and we are beyond grateful. As we move forward, the finances needed are increasing. We always keep God’s dream in front of us… A Destiny Center!!
2 Ways to Give
1. Mail: Destiny Ministries, PO Box 1081, Arkansas City, KS 67005
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