I was sitting in my living room last week and the thought came - there's an elephant in the room. I have a cool elephant lamp on an end table and my eyes of course went there. I've had that lamp for several years and never heard - "there's an elephant in the room" until that day.
I went to duck duck go to find out what that phrase meant. I have heard it, but never applied it to anything specific.
• There's an obvious, difficult situation or problem that is not being dealt with.
• There's a hidden truth that is substantial, unexpected and unknown.
The elephant in the room for me that day was healing. I knew healing was a truth from the word of God but it seemed hidden from me. I did not know how to deal with this. Or maybe I did not want to do what needed to be done. By the way, I didn't have covid or some dreaded disease. I just couldn't get a bad cold cleared up. The elephant in the room began to speak - "if you can't get healed from this, what are you going to do if something worse develops."
In the Hebrew year of 5782, Adar is more than just a period of time. I say that because this year is about the voice of truth coming from the house of God. We hear the voice of truth in our churches but also we are the house of God. Adar represents an opportunity "in time" to change the status quo. We've got to challenge those elephants with the word of God. A status change involves hearing something new, seeing something different and being willing to take God at His word. The elephant in the room is dealt with when we are willing to address our lack of believing what the word clearly says about healing or whatever the elephant represents for you.
DeeAnn's favorite scripture right now is Joshua 1:8:
"This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written, for then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall have good success." ...and the elephants leave the room...
To meditate is not just reading, studying and hearing the entire word. It's that plus! In Adar concentrate on just one promise on healing (or whatever promise you need) until it changes the way you think and feel. We work at this until our paradigm shifts away from the 'sickness' elephant and it leaves the room. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My word will not pass away.
The obvious problem gets dealt with by believing the word of faith no matter what. The Adar timeframe carries an anointing and supernatural grace for breaking out of a cycle of defeat and discouragement...an elephant in the room keeps us in a cycle of defeat.
God didn't send His Son to live on the earth, demonstrate the kingdom, die for our sins, go to hell and get the keys to the thing so we could live beat up, defeated lives with an elephant in every room. NO. Jesus came so we could walk every day in His life changing power, love, peace, joy and prosperity. The Message Bible says it this way: "I came that they would have eternal life and that their earthly life would be better than they ever dreamed of." Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Elephant's leave when true, heart confession is made:
• God has given me authority to tread on all the power of the enemy.
• Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
• By His stripes I am healed.
• It's no longer I that lives, but Christ lives in me.
• As He is, so am I in this world.
• Jesus wasn't sick, me neither.
The problem in the room is addressed with the truth of the word of God. When that elephant hears the truth coming from a "new creature" according to II Cor 5:17, he has to leave!
DeeAnn and I are blessing you with a faith activation that goes beyond what you've reached before. That sounds a bit outrageous but we're not saying that because of who we are. We are saying that because of Who He is.
Send us your "the elephant has left the room" testimonies. Remember some elephants are stubborn but the key is to voice your truth continually.
His Word Is Truth,
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
Destiny’s 2022
Hebrew Calendar
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