Dan is the tribe associated with the month of Tevet. He was a watchman and had a forerunner anointing. We watch, we're already ahead of it and we execute the plan to redeem it.
Characteristics of Tevet: announce a bright future not failures of the past; see beyond controlling circumstances; on the devil's best day he's still losing!
Genesis 1 - when God speaks, worlds are created. And God said...And God said...A pattern developed. Whatever He said, was set in order. He built the world exactly the way He wanted. Job says, decree a thing and it will be established.
God recorded this in His Word so we would know how to do what He did. And not only that, God also provided a way for us to understand His cycle of blessing so we would not miss opportunities to use our faith. That cycle takes us to this Hebrew month of Tevet.
Some Hebrew months have a gate associated with them and Tevet is called the "take charge" gate. We take charge of the stuff that has negatively run our lives. Life can condition and program our behavior and we feel we have no choice. No more. We choose to say we are not prisoners to circumstances.
When we identify and align in time with God's prophetic calendar, we discover how to find our position of triumph in God's kingdom. The early church used this calendar, but in the dark ages, it got switched. Under pressure from the Roman government, the church began to use the Roman calendar.
Following the Hebrew calendar causes us to resonate with His timing. It helps us be at the right place, at the right time, thinking right. Great expectation is built and confidence in God will take us to a level of relationship with the Lord we have not known.
Life's experiences can condition and program our behavior. That can lead to constant drama and stress.
In Tevet we take charge and make choices...I will do this...I won't do that...I know how to do this...I see it clearly...I will not take the bait of satan...I will walk in order and wisdom.
Tevet is a supernatural month in which things just come into view. There are "aha" moments when vision clears up. We get over our history, forgive ourselves and others in a nano-second. A new order of blessing comes to all confusion and chaos. Wow!
We have represented Tevet with a peacock. Check out the spiritual dynamics of the peacock. Vision, Wisdom, Awareness, Glory, Joy and Fearlessness. Meditate on this when you see a peacock.
*We conquer over evil. A peacock can eat a poisonous snake or plant and not be harmed.
*We see what we could not see in the past season.
*When King Solomon sent out ships, they brought back gold, silver, ivory, precious wood and the last thing mentioned was peacocks. Peacocks are associated with a shout of triumph and a shout of joy.
*Natives believed a peacock feather in their hair or headdress meant they had the power to overcome. It was a protection from anything negative and destructive.
At the beginning of 2025 and during the month of Tevet we have available the spiritual energy to release breakthrough, see beyond the mess, stand in our promises, walk in health and deliverance and experience prosperity in every area.
What’s available to us right now...if we believe...is a supernatural ability to be used in a way we’ve never been used before! We know what to do if a Goliath shows up. We know what to do if we are thrown in a lion’s den or a fiery furnace.
The supernatural kicks in, God receives the glory and we get a promotion.
“Aha” Moments Are The Norm.
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
**DeeAnn and I are blessed to have you all in our lives. You intercede, encourage, give, participate in prayer projects and much more. The remodel of the auditorium seems slow but is progressing. Thank you for continuing to support this through prayer and giving.
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2. Online: www.DestinyMinistries.com/donate