08.20.24 | by Sandy Newman & DeeAnn Ward

    AV - AUGUST 5 – SEPTEMBER 3, 2024
    ELUL – SEPTEMBER 4 – OCTOBER 2, 2024

    Contrary to what we’re hearing on the news, we are at the edge of a kingdom advance! The reason we say that without hesitation is this:

    Luke 12:32, “Fear not, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Don’t ever be afraid because we have been given His Kingdom realm with all it’s promises.

    The history associated with the timeframe of the Hebrew month of AV carries a life lesson for us. Let’s just cut to the chase.

    Moses sends 12 tribe leaders to check out the promised land.
    Ten come back with unbelief in their mouth.
    Two come back with ‘let’s do this thing’ in their mouth.
    Lesson: don’t repeat history that does not line up with the word of God.
    Caleb said, we are well able to overcome.

    Joshua said, the giants are bread for us. Their defense is removed from over them. The Lord is with us.
    The 10/2 dynamic won out and they stayed in the wilderness several more years.

    During the timeframe of the Hebrew month of Elul there should be an expectation of good fortune, in spite of wrong choices made by yourself or those close to you.

    Remember, there is a time of reward. In fact, it’s right now!

    Here’s our truth – God has appointed mercy from His hand.

    We don’t have to figure it out, work it out, strategize it out…
    we just take His hand of mercy and move forward.

    Prophetic Declarations:
    • I declare the door of provision has swung open.
    • I declare the riches of Glory by Christ Jesus has come.
    • I declare the miracle reserve.
    • I declare the revival reserve.
    • I declare the revelatory reserve.

    Apostolic Inspiration:
    • Faith is the moment you get the title deed for what you’re believing for. Nothing changed but you just know you’re healed, provided for, will see the promise.
    • The church, the ekklesia is a “heavenly places” operation.
    • The Bible says we are seated with Him in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers.
    • Intercession is going to the next level because we will never again pray “out of position.” All prayer will be done from our seated position in heavenly places.
    • From Genesis we were created to rule.


    DeeAnn and I are very thankful for the partnership we have developed with you all. Your faithful prayers, giving, encouragement and friendship has carried us through.

    Please be in prayer for the re-model of the large auditorium. It’s coming right along with bathrooms framed in, walls framed up, stage built, H/A started. Lots done and lots to do. Oh, the joys of re-modelling. 

    You are a blessing.

    Far Above,
    Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward

    2 Ways to Give

    1. Mail: Destiny Ministries, PO Box 1081, Arkansas City, KS 67005
    2. Online: www.DestinyMinistries.com/donate