07.05.24 |

    Sivan – June 7 – July 6
    Tammuz – July 7 – August 4

    **The Hebrew month of Sivan is the gate of abundance. Abundance is to be a blessing from God. Limiting, poverty mindsets guard that gate and keep it closed off. The western, religious mindsets have led us to just enough and not more than enough.

    We say we will not be victims that are locked up in a belief system that’s headed for failure. The season we are in is filled with potential. God wants increase, multiplication and prosperity for His people. Poverty has an assignment against us. We break that with the power of our words based on the word of God. God’s plan from the beginning was for us to prosper. His goal from the garden was that the glory and prosperity there would increase and cover the whole earth. That’s still His plan of fullness. That’s a great Sivan declaration!

    **The Hebrew month of Tammuz is a time of transformation. Walking through the ruins of the 2nd temple, faced with exile, most rabbi’s wept. But one had joy! He said, “the prophets said there would be bad times and good times and it would lead to complete redemption and transformation. I have seen the bad, NOW, I am CERTAIN the good will come to pass.” He saw something no one else saw. We must train ourselves to see things in a positive light. That places our faith in an incredible position. If we will embrace this new position, this unfamiliar position, this unknown position… we will shift. God said to Sandy, “you have shifted” not, you will shift- YOU HAVE SHIFTED. That marks our spirit and that marker says, we are commissioned to go to a new position of faith, into a realm where heaven invades earth! Check it out! Our faith is now positioned to go beyond captivity, beyond grief, beyond hope deferred, beyond infirmity, beyond boredom, beyond fear.

    *We’re about to do things we didn’t know we could do.

    *We’re about to know things we didn’t know we could know.

    *We’re about to see things we didn’t know we could see.

    *We’re about to say things we didn’t know we could say.

    *We’re about to create things we didn’t know we could create.

    DeeAnn and I are in agreement that you would be empowered, equipped, aligned and released into a dimension of faith that “goes beyond.” We agree that your “shift” will be the preparation for the transformation you are to be a part of.

    Thank you so much for prayer, testimonies, encouragement and generous giving. Those things are not taken for granted! Partnering with you is taking us “beyond” what we have ever believed God for.

    Shifted Into High Gear,

    Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward

    Things are moving forward with our auditorium, remodel project. Plumbing is first and began today. If you’d like to give into this, the giving options are below.

    2 Ways to Give

    1. Mail: Destiny Ministries, PO Box 1081, Arkansas City, KS 67005
    2. Online: www.DestinyMinistries.com/donate