During our prayer time DeeAnn asked what scripture came to my heart. I immediately said, Luke 9:1, not knowing what it was about.
"Then He called His 12 disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to heal diseases."
I was reminded of when I related to DeeAnn that I didn't feel very powerful. We certainly do not want that in this new year. Jesus gave his disciples power and authority. Us too! We are powerful to heal the sick, cast out devils and preach the gospel of the kingdom. Spiritual energy is released to break through, see beyond the mess, stand in our promises, walk in health and deliverance.
In the decade of the voice - 5780 - 80 - the Hebrew letter pey means voice. The voice of truth comes from the house of God. We are "the house" and we release truth.
Here's some truth---
Genesis 1 - when God speaks, worlds are created. And God said...And God said...A pattern developed. Whatever He said, was set in order. He built the world exactly the way He wanted. Job says, decree a thing and it will be established.
God recorded this in His Word so we would know how to do what He did. And not only that, He provided a way for us to understand His cycle of blessing so we would not miss opportunities to use our faith. That cycle takes us to this Hebrew month of Tevet.
Many times the months have a gate associated with them and Tevet is called the "take charge" gate. We take charge of the stuff that has negatively run our lives. Done. Life can condition and program our behavior and we feel we have no choice. No more. We choose to say we are not prisoners to circumstances.
The voice of truth to start the new year is - Jesus gave us power and authority.
The voice of truth to start the new year is - when Jesus left He told them to go to Jerusalem and wait until they were endued with power from on high. And that power was accompanied with speaking in tongues!
The enemy is pretty predictable - he'll say this year will be no different, in fact from all indications, it'll probably be worse.
The voice of truth trumps the lies of the devil. Jesus gave us power and authority. We have power from on high. We speak in tongues.
Those statements will frame an amazing 2023.
DeeAnn and I are looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. The writer of Hebrews goes on to say that Jesus, because of the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Let's all start the year off right and set down - in power and authority.
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
*We want to always thank you for your generous financial gifts, your kind words of encouragement and testimonies of God's goodness.
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