Hebrew year of 5784. Gregorian year of 2024.

Hebrew year of 5784. Gregorian year of 2024. In both calendars it's the year of the door - open or shut - whatever is needed.
4 in Hebrew is the word "dalet" which is the word for door. Whether we look at 5784 or 2024, we've got a 4 or a door.
We are in the Hebrew month of Shevat but the focus of our newsletter is BEHOLD/DOOR/KNOCK.
Shevat - January 11 - February 9 2024.
Shevat Declarations:
• My faith is what I stand on.
• I am not moved by circumstances.
• I am not controlled.
• I am not afraid.
• I am not ever giving up.
Shevat Characteristics:
• Meditate on what brings joy.
• Conquer fear.
• Defeat discouragement.
• Possess your promises.
Asher is the tribe connected to Shevat which pictures joy. I'm doing joy!
Asher exported wheat, corn, oil and wine to other tribes. The ships and wagons of supply are coming.
Shout, my blessings are on the way!
(Sandy) It was the middle of the night and I am sound asleep. I was awakened by loud knocking at my front door. It went on for what seemed forever...I called 911. Hello, what's the emergency? Well, there's not a physical emergency but someone has been knocking loudly on my front door for quite a while. Do not go to the door. Two policemen have been dispatched to your home. They'll be there shortly. They arrived in a couple minutes and canvassed my property and all around the house, checking doors and windows. Upon finding nothing suspicious, they left and said to call if it happened again. Surprisingly I went right to sleep. In the morning, walking down the hallway to get some coffee, I distinctly heard Jesus say, that was Me knocking on your door. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with Me. Jesus has my attention in 2024. I am alert to His knock and I open the door...every time.
Quick Study:
Behold - to see something remarkable; aware; awake; to call attention to; discern clearly; know; understand.
Stand - when Jesus ascended to heaven He sat down at the right hand of His Father's throne. When something needs attention, He gets up.
Door - Jesus is the Door/opening and offering new opportunities for greater influence and authority.
(we will discuss further door options and door definitions as the year progresses)
Knock - A pounding noise that sets something in motion and creates alertness.
Take those 4 words and prophesy to yourself.
• I see clearly. I am awake and aware.
• Jesus stands at my door right now.
• That door opens to great influence and authority.
• I will not miss His knock - ever. In fact, He's knocking.
Addendum: Jesus said if any man opens the door, He will come in and eat with him. In Hebrew culture sharing a meal was an act of holiness, intimate fellowship and significant conversation. Wow!
DeeAnn and I pray that this BEHOLD/DOOR/KNOCK will commission you to walk through incredible doors this year. Doors of health, restoration, promotion, victory, relationship and the list goes on.
We can't thank you enough for your friendship, encouragement, financial giving, prayers and the sharing of your lives with us.
Open The Door!
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
**If you would like to give towards this project and want it to be included in your 2023 year-end giving, your check needs to be dated no later than Dec 31. We can receive it after that date. You can give on line, but no later than Dec 31. Of course if the year-end giving doesn't affect you then those dates don't apply.
2 Ways to Give
1. Mail: Destiny Ministries, PO Box 1081, Arkansas City, KS 67005
2. Online: www.DestinyMinistries.com/donate