The Hebrew Month of Cheshvan 2019

The Hebrew month of Cheshvan in the new Hebrew year of 5780.
October 30 - November 28 2019/5780
• This is the month to put your foot on the head of the enemy. Done.
• This is the month to put off what is wearing you down. Done.
• This is the month to let go of mistakes that either you or others made and move on. Done.
• This is the month to believe that angels are sent to work out the mess. Done.
This is the month of the anointing.
• Anointing: transfigures us from the ordinary to “beyond human."
• Anointing: furnishes what is needed to get the job done.
• Anointing: commissions a new authority to decree a thing and it be established.
The anointing is the perpetual power of God that produces joy, passion, confidence, boldness and authority. Everyone has the capacity to be anointed. God is no respecter of persons. It's important to remember that it's His anointing. It belongs to Him. And we can ask for it!
Oh my gosh - we're in Him and He's in us. Let's take this month and get revelation on that! He's The Anointed One and living in me.
His anointing destroys the yoke of disease, poverty and bondage. God's anointing releases healing, deliverance, miracles, signs, wonders. That's pretty big stuff, but it also helps us live out our everyday life as one of the called out, chosen and appointed people of God.
Most of the time I need an anointing to stand in the check out line at Walmart...
Whatever is on our "to do" list of things to get done, God wants us to know that His anointing is available in us and on us. Isn't that amazing! God cares about it all. Every part of what makes up life. Heaven's atmosphere is shifting with an alignment between heaven and earth. One way we participate in that shift is through the anointing on our words. When we say, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” that's the anointing to seed the heavens with the purposes of God. We move heaven into earth. Powerful!
There is an individual anointing. This anointing enables a person to be successful, whatever their path of life. There is a corporate anointing. The strength of the corporate anointing empowers a group to move into a higher realm of spheres of influence. Whatever the purpose of the group is - the anointing will take the whole to a higher level of authority.
One last thing. Cheshvan is the 8th month. The number 8 alludes to leaving the natural world and entering into the supernatural world. In other words, 8 transcends limitations. The limits are off. We have a new beginning, which 8 represents also.
Declarations: Because The Anointed One lives in me:
• I am positioned to transition into the next realm of glory.
• I am positioned to transcend limitations.
• I am positioned to overcome poverty.
• I am positioned for joy unspeakable.
DeeAnn and I are blessed to be aligned with such incredibly anointed people of God. We are looking forward to what the Lord has for us all as we step into this new season, new year, new everything! Thank you for your anointed prayers, anointed giving, anointed testimonies. It's so encouraging to hear from you.
The Breaker Anointing Has Entered,
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
**Some have asked about the 5 worship gatherings Chuck Pierce spoke of at Time To Plow. As soon as we get direction, timing and locations we'll certainly get that information out. You will have time to make plans to participate.