The Hebrew Month of Shevat 2020

Biblical reference of Shevat:
Deuteronomy 1:
*And it came to pass in the 40th year, on the 1st day of Shevat, that Moses spake to the children of Israel...
*You have dwelt here long enough...
*Turn and take your journey...
*Behold, I have set the land before you, go in and possess the land which the Lord promised to your fathers
and their seed after them.
*May the Lord increase you 1000-fold more than you are and bless you just as He has promised...
We are not where we used to be.
We are not where we're about to be.
We are ready to move forward.
When that has happened in history - God anointed forerunners, explorers, trailblazers and pioneers.
Welcome to SHEVAT. You have been here long enough, turn and take your journey.
• I don't know what's on the other side of the mountain - but I'm going over.
• I don't know what's in the middle of that river - but I'm going through.
• I don't know exactly what's ahead - but I'm moving forward.
Shevat is about doing what we do BY FAITH. What does that really mean?
I Corinthians 1:28, "...God has chosen things which are not, to bring to nothing things that are." Chosen means to call, to command, to speak. God spoke to the thing that was not there, to come and reduce to zero the thing that was. God calls things that don't exist and uses those things to bring to nothing the things that do exist. Example: He calls healing to come and healing overtakes sickness. Profoundly simple. We are growing in the knowledge of our authority...we are getting there.
The prophetic season we are in is about words of decree that penetrate darkness, give clear perspective and release movement. Let's shape our world with words of blessing and life. Our lives will follow our words! There is power in our words. Declare and believe.
DeeAnn and I make these decrees over you and exercise our power to believe what we say.
We declare:
• Power for success, life and prosperity.
• Resources to accomplish God's vision for your life.
• Angelic help.
• Fresh revelation from the unseen realm.
Thank you for your dedication in areas of prayer, finances, relationship. We can't say thank you enough to express our gratefulness.
Going In To Possess,
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward