05.12.21 | by Sandy Newman & DeeAnn Ward

    MAY 12 - JUNE 10 2021

    Game Changer!!

    Our mind can block prosperity. We can be wrapped up in lack, fear, blame and become powerless to create a life of fullness, wealth and happiness. Limiting beliefs and mind chatter block confidence. Apostle Paul said two incredible things about confidence. Philippians 1 - Being confident of this very thing, that He which began a good work in you will perform it. Hebrews 10 - Cast not away your confidence which has great reward.

    The media, fear based news and out of date ideas make up the ingredients for a mentality that God can't come through...this time...He has before, but probably not this time. Our western mindset has so complicated our journey that we entertain notions of just enough rather than the God of more than enough. Sivan is the gate of abundance and it never gets opened with those mind blocks.

    Sivan presents the opportunity to take back our power and not accept scarcity and struggle. We start with activating our faith and stepping into a spiritual awakening. We are not victims, locked up in a belief system doomed for failure. The anointing on this season of time facilitates the Holy Spirit in the reveal of limiting beliefs that block the gate of abundance.

    Revelation comes from the Word of God and carries the narrative of the unlimited ability of God. It is written, so let it be. Done. Check this out: But you shall remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that gives you power to create wealth that He may establish His covenant. The poverty mindset that we find ourselves fighting is obsessing on the "how's" of creating wealth or anything good.

    When we become overly entangled in the material world we think we need more of something. This idea of lack sends toxic stress chemicals to the brain. When we feel there is not enough, although our God is a God of more than enough, we get stuck in a rut and can't even think our way out of it and definitely can't work our way out of it. There is science to the victory here, but to cut to the chase and go to the good news, listen to this.

    This pattern is easily shifted. We must refocus our awareness OFF neediness and ON to feelings of gratitude and appreciation. When we put our attention on feelings of thankfulness for what we do have, we start sending positive based chemicals to the brain. That increases our energy and shifts our mindset.

    • I have the power to create.
    • I am aligned with people that are positive.
    • I am grateful and enjoy what I have right now.
    • I live my life in expectation of great things.

    Pentecost is the perfect time to begin to practice the presence of joy, prosperity, power, thankfulness and love. The "Acts 2 Suddenly" was a game changer. We are there now, this is it.

    DeeAnn and I are confident that what God started in you, He will finish! Our confidence has recompense of great reward!

    Thank you for your support in prayer, giving and encouragement. We love hearing your testimonies of getting caught up in the cycle of blessing.


    Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward