The Month of July and Hebrew Month of Tammuz

The month of July and the Hebrew month of Tammuz are important for us as we move forward in this "interesting" season we are in.
In July we celebrate our nation's declaration of independence. In Tammuz we celebrate our personal declaration of transformation.
Independence - Freedom
Transformation - Change
To experience freedom and change we must see things in a positive light. We must shift our paradigm from victim to victor. We must guard our heart and our words. We must remain patient and calm.
There's an expression - "Keep Your Socks On." That phrase means - to remain patient and calm especially when wanting to become upset, angry, fearful, impatient.
An example: a lady arrives at the garage to pick up her car and it's not ready. She goes into a rant and the mechanic looks at her and says, "lady, keep your socks on."
In other words, change your mind (repent), be patient, calm down. It's getting worked out and worked on.
Keep Your Socks On. God is at work in the situation!
All things work together for may not be in our timeframe, but it's getting worked out for good. That would be a declaration of independence from the manipulation of circumstances that are beyond our control.
There is trouble, fear, confusion, stress, depression...and the list goes on. Change will occur when we defend this moment with a new mindset or paradigm.
The new is marked by people who will not settle for a predictable mindset of frustration.
The new is marked by people who will not opt for a pity-party.
The new is marked by people who will not yield to stress.
The new is marked by people who keep their socks on!
Hebrews 6:12 - "follow the example of those who fully received what God has promised because of their strong faith and patient endurance."
Romans 4:20,21 - "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able also to perform."
Abraham, the father of our faith, had opportunities to stagger. He messed up big time, but he kept on believing, worshipping God and stayed thankful.
And...he kept his socks on.
Say this:
• I declare my freedom in Christ.
• I declare my transformation in Christ.
• My socks are on because I am in Christ.
DeeAnn and I are honored to send you these newsletters each month. Our hope and prayer is that our thoughts and words would in some way bring value to your walk with the Lord. Your kindness shown to us through your intercession, testimonies, encouragement and giving are never taken for granted and always acknowledged.
Socks On.
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward