TISHREI: September 7
The Hebrew month is Tishrei. It's a very cool timeframe because it implies that God will do a "make-over." He redeems whatever is necessary - health, finances, relationships, trauma...whatever needs redemption.
Of course He is the Redeemer and His nature is to "buy back" anything we have lost at any time. (health, finances, relationships, peace, joy) But in the Hebrew calendar, each month has specific blessings highlighted so that we can enter a cycle of blessings.
This month is called the gate of new beginnings. It's time to bring all the redemption worthy stuff before God and begin again!
There is grace available right now to leave behind what negatively affects us. All the past issues that brought fear, anxiety, hopelessness are being broken off.
Faith is activated to believe for the new and good in the midst of the old and bad.
ROSH HASHANAH: September 7
Rosh Hashanah means head of the year and this new Hebrew year is 5782. We will share more about the year in the months ahead but check this out.
The number 80 is the Hebrew letter Pey which means voice.
The number 2 is the Hebrew letter Bet which means house.
This is the year for the voice of truth to come from the house of God.
TABERNACLES: September 21
Celebrating His Presence living in us. We are His tent, His house, His tabernacle. Wow!
This year we come into the understanding of Jesus within to heal our past, present, future and deliver us into a place of abundance - right now!
• You are complete, lacking nothing.
• Everything is in proper order.
• You are fully engaged in the new.
We appreciate you, bless you and pray that you prosper, be in health and experience all things new.
Thank you for your generosity in giving, especially with our re-model project.
Your intercession and encouragement are so appreciated and never taken for granted.
The Fall Feasts are all in this month of September. The Feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles.
• We announce the new year - Trumpets.
• We stay repented up...daily - Atonement.
• Christ IN us the hope of Glory - Tabernacles.
We Are A Mobile Home! Get it!
Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward
3 Ways to Give
1. Mail: Destiny Ministries, PO Box 1081, Arkansas City, KS 67005
2. Online:
3. On your phone with Text-to-Give:
1. Text the amount you would like to give to (316) 333-2826. (Example $50 or 50 either will work)
2. If you are a first time, text-giving donor you will be prompted to visit a secure URL.
3. Once you click the registration link, you will enter your credit or debit card information.
4. At this point your donation will process.