The Hebrew Month of Adar 2023

    03.03.23 | by Sandy Newman & DeeAnn Ward

    The Hebrew month of Adar is more than a month - it represents an opportunity to change the status quo. Status quo - the way things are.

    If "the way things are" is not in alignment with fullness, abundance and joy, then it's time to disrupt the status quo.

    And we disrupt it with a "bridge." We need change; we need to get to the other side of this situation; we need to come out of this season of defeat; we need strategy that stuns all unbelief. We've got to cross over!

    We are coining the phrase - Bridge It!

    Bridge - knowledge to solve problems.

    Bridge - altars the normal way something works. (status quo)

    Here's a bridge - Meditation. Joshua 1:8.

    "Read and meditate on the word day and night so that you may be careful to do everything in accordance with what is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will be successful."

    Here's a bridge - Joy. John 10:10.

    "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that you would have and enjoy life."

    Here's a bridge - Power. Luke 4:14.

    "And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit." A bit more explanation---

    Returned from where? Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by the devil for 40 days.

    There were 3 areas of temptation.
    • If you are the Son of God, command this stone be made bread.
    • If you worship me (devil) all the kingdoms shall be yours.
    • If you are the Son of God, jump off the top of this high place and the angels will save you.

    Jesus answered with the word, worship and wisdom.

    • I know the word. "It is written, we live not by bread alone but by every word of God."

    • I worship God. "It is written, worship the Lord thy God and Him only."

    • I don't do stupid stuff. (wisdom) "You shall not tempt the Lord thy God."

    Jesus built a bridge of the word, worship and wisdom and crossed over from temptation (troubled water) to spiritual power!

    Work with these declarations until a bridge is built concerning any impossibilities you are facing. This timeframe carries the supernatural grace to cross over the bridge of discouragement to good fortune, fullness and abundance. In fact the Hebrew month of Adar is a bridge.

    Our words, our declarations become the bridge connecting the seen and the unseen. And that bridge created will take us over troubled water every time. Jesus said it, "My words are spirit and life." His word is in us - so our words are spirit and life and become the bridge over the trouble.

    DeeAnn and I declare over you a new cycle of fullness, joy and abundance. We declare anything contrary to that is bridged.

    Thank you for all you do in His Kingdom and for all you do in our lives and ministry. It is appreciated beyond our expression in words.

    May you be blessed beyond natural reason.

    Building Bridges,

    Sandy Newman and DeeAnn Ward 

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